Monday, August 3, 2009

What should i do if my boss ask me to polish his shoes.?

what he is thinking himself i m a muslim and he is asking me to polish his shoes what should i do please advice

What should i do if my boss ask me to polish his shoes.?
Next time he asks you to do that,spit on his shoes and wipe them with a paper from his desk.
Reply:Just tell him " Boss.. sometimes you are wrong ... but you are my boss .."
Reply:well, being a Muslim doesn't have to do anything with the subject. You could be anything, and if you deserve to do it you will do it no matter what you are. If your boss got the nerve to ask you to do that, he maybe know you will do it.....
Reply:It all depends on what type of job you were hired for. If you are a butler, then polishing shoes is part of the job. If you work in the housekeeping department at a hotel/motel, this is part of the job. But usually it is polishing the shoes of the customers.

Maybe it is time to stop working for this person and get a different job.

If you are living in the USA and you are not a butler or in housekeeping, you can report him to your city's employment services. They will contact him and let him know what he can and cannot do toward his employees. He will be mad at first, but will get over it.

If it were me, I'd find someone else to work for.



  1. I am butler/valet for a wealthy executive bachelor in London and I polish his many shoes every day. Sometimes I even polish them when he is wearing his shoes if, for example, he is having a hasty breakfast whilst reading the Financial Times. I am his servant so it is my duty.
