Friday, July 31, 2009

What word connects a native of New Zealand with a shoe polish??


What word connects a native of New Zealand with a shoe polish??
Oh, please don't say it is Kiwi.
Reply:Kiwi is a brand of shoe polish. It is also the nickname for a New Zealander.
Reply:The word that connects a native New Zealander to shoe polish is KIWI.
Reply:A 'kiwi", a bird without wings.
Reply:kiwi shoe proudcts


If I've run out of cough syrup .... will liquid shoe polish work just as well?

It might look like cough syrup, but no, no, no don't drink the stuff! You will have an uncontrollable urge to lick people's shoes and still be coughing!

If I've run out of cough syrup .... will liquid shoe polish work just as well?
Nooo silly. That is only good as a substitute for aspirins. You pass out and don't really remember you have a headache. Or a head.

1 part whiskey

1 part honey

1 part lemon juice
Reply:Well, you'll probably never cough again.
Reply:Not unless you are planning on poisoning yourself.
Reply:Stagnant fish bowl water is just as good, believe me.
Reply:Yeah, it'll definitely help stop you from coughing because it just might kill you!
Reply:Probably not but it will make your digestive system all nice and shiny.
Reply:No, and that is because your question makes little to no sense. But other than that, No.
Reply:If you want your tongue to look like patent leather.
Reply:yes, it will get rid of the cough as well as your life.... ;p
Reply:Sure if you want to put an end to your life!
Reply:Parade gloss works best
Reply:well it might taste the same.
Reply:use cold pills. dump like 15 of em'. lol.
Reply:As long as you are planning to overdose and die...then yeah
Reply:Yeah If u wanna die! Are u crazy?
Reply:I certainly don't see why not.
Reply:are you insane?


What household items or products could I use to remove shoe polish from clothing?

try a stain remover and wash without drying. it may be a permanent stain.

What household items or products could I use to remove shoe polish from clothing?
try your used toothbruch with soda and vinegar... sprinkle a little soap sods... and viola shoe polish vanishes like magic


Wat kind of paint do u use to put in shoe polish to tag?

Cherry is the best colour.


Can any one tell me the formula for making liquid shoe polish?

Recipe at:

You'll have to convert the metric measurements into American by using your own brain or

There's a very basic method at this site, that doesn't involve chemicals, etc.

maintenance repairs

Wat kind of paint do u use to put in shoe polish to tag?


Wat kind of paint do u use to put in shoe polish to tag?
Yes - you should know that depending on where you live you can do a year or more in jail for defacing property. You can also face stiff fines and long community service. If you are a minor, your parents can be held responsible for your actions as well as hiring you a lawyer at a couple hundred dollars an hour. If you deface something like a mailbox, that's a federal offense and can land you in a federal prison. If you deface private property, you or your parents can be sued for damages. It hardly sounds worth it just to put your initials on a wall. Pax - C


In Hidden Secrets: Nightmare, where do I put the shoe polish?

There are really good comments on Hidden Secrets: The Nightmare here which may have your answers (or connect you with people who know it):

Gamezebo says they are posting a strategy guide after New Years, and they usually post strategy guides with tons of spoilers.

Also, there is also a strategy guide for sale on big fish games' web site:


credot siosse

Can I restore a white leather couch with white shoe polish/paint?

No this is totally the wrong products to use.

What damage are you trying to resolve, maybe a good clean will help.

Use water based foam cleaners and then a good leather protector.

Can I restore a white leather couch with white shoe polish/paint?
have u tried cleaning it lst w/ leather cleaner? Like Murphy's Oil Soap ... i don't know about the shoe polish.. u may have to call a Leather shop
Reply:No, white shoe polish will rub off on your clothes.

myspace quizzes

How to get rid of bad habit like smell shoe polish?

some people like smells of solvents... i bet ya like the smell of gasoline and lighter fluid too...........i am sure there is a neurological explanation of this,but,i can't rember this at this time,sorry............

horses for loan

I dropped some oil on my beige soft leather shoes what can i do to "hide" the stain? black shoe polish? oil?

my shoes are made of italian soft leather, "weathered" look.

I dropped some oil on my beige soft leather shoes what can i do to "hide" the stain? black shoe polish? oil?
try dabbing the same oil around to make look "weathered"

g l


When i was in boot camp, i accidently put shoe polish on my brass belt buckle, the drill instructor........?

brought me in the whiskey locker, it was well known that his primary MOS was marine force recon, he put me in a special chokehold that completely blocked my breathing and the thing about it, he only used three of his fingers!!! marine boot camp is suppose to be legally "hands off". my question is, is making a big deal over a belt buckle suppose to make me a better marine?

When i was in boot camp, i accidently put shoe polish on my brass belt buckle, the drill instructor........?
if you were My boot you would have had my boot up your.....

The reason being, to put boot polish on a buckle shows lack of awareness and lack of pride in your work. Even if it was "accidental" it shows that you are not paying attention to details. Lack of attention to details can and will get you killed. A little boot polish on a buckle. too much oil left in the bore of your weapon, a little dirt on your ammo. just some small detail that shouldn't really matter. Making you aware of those little details and teaching you to keep sharp and not miss the small stuff or to keep dumb accidents from happening, is the duty of your DI. He owes it to you to keep you alive.
Reply:did you do it again? If not, then it made you a better marine didn't it ? The lesson here is to pay attention to the details. If you don't it could get you hurt or kiled. I know its sounds stupid and silly, but the lesson is learned.

Did you join the Marines for the food?

He was trying to make you a MAN instead of a spoiled, whiney little brat.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it worked.
Reply:yes its supposed to make you a better marine because they dont want you ******* up and getting killed by doing something you deserved it you dumb ****.....ive noticed all your questions are about you or some other ***** being "abused" quit whining and deal with it....marines arent supposed to be bitches and thats why i very seriously dont believe youre a marine nor have you ever been to or graduated from mcrd.
Reply:Your DI giving you a little special attention is nothing compared to what the enemy will give you if you're captured. As the old saying goes, "the more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war". So sack up and be a man about it.
Reply:PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL "MAGGOT", just kidding you are going to get crap for every error. How well you deal with duress and stress and drive on it what makes you a good Marine.
Reply:dude are you the same person who keeps asking these stupid questions??!! I f I was youre D.I. I would have probably done the same. you are probably a freekin terd. You should have never joined you sissy. How the hell do you get polish on a belt buckle??? DUH! you should have joinded the peace corps. wel as far as your question... I bet you never "accidentally" put polish on youre buckle again. So it must have made you a better something.D.I.s should be aloud to kick the crap out of those who are to dumb to learn otherwise. One day when youre in a fighting hole and someones yelling at you to advance on a enemy are you gonna say.... Stop Yellin at me.....?????
Reply:You are the only marine I've encountered that complains. (that is, if you're a marine.)

I don't mean about DI crap, I mean in general. They're sent to shitty places and I've never heard/seen a marine complain.

I guess that's all I have to say.
Reply:The shoe polish on your belt buckle represented carelessness and thoughtlessness on your part. In combat, these failures will get you killed and perhaps a few of your comrades, too!

The punishment enacted by your DI representated the consequences of your thoughtless acts.

Don't worry too much about the hands off bullsh it, more importantly concentrate on the lesson plan. If you are able to ride through this whole scenario, see the possible problem that your brainless act created, see the consequences of your thoughtless act, then I would say yeah, it should make you a better Marine.

One thing a good Marine never complains about, is the actions of his DI's, during boot camp. You can claim bragging rights, if you take that punch in the gut as a badge of merit, but never criticize your DI, or the Corps because you were stupid enough to deserve a good swift kick in the @ss!
Reply:Breaking your spirit makes you obedient under fire, supposedly.
Reply:YES!!! not paying attention to detail will get you or other soldiers killed. quit your whining.
Reply:With all the post I've read from you I can only conclude your one of two things:

1. You're the biggest screw up they've ever let in the military or

2. Somebody in the Marine Corp pissed you off.
Reply:I think you post things like this to get people to not join the military.
Reply:WAKE UP! "Legally" doesn't exist in BT. Sure you can call mommy and daddy or write a letter and you will promptly be branded as a "PU##Y" that no one wants to be around because it might be contagious.

Putting boot polish on brass "by accident", give me a break MAGGOT! It's like accidently jamming a gernade in your breach!

What you got is called a "Come to Jesus Meeting" and for YOUR benefit; I hope that you didn't soil the linen. Give me one more SIR so that I can LEARN!

THINK and LEARN because your DI's ASSIGNMENT is to teach YOU how NOT to come home in a bag!

You do not know squat now so close your mouth, open your mind and attack the "training" to eventually become a MARINE.

How in the hell did you find the energy to post this? I half suspect that this is a bogus post for the reasons mentioned in another answer.

USN 1964-

Reply:Quit whining, loser.
Reply:Let Me see if I have this correct. You are still breathing, right? Did You sleep through the bit about never getting "IT" wrong because that can lead to You getting into the habit of NOT thinking for Yourself...and getting Your buddies killed?


If You got a kick in the back-side every time You stuffed up, would You be 12ft tall?
Reply:That is against the law. Talk to an attorney. Even the military has guidelines to follow. He could face serious charges.

visual arts

Is there a connection in ingredients between toothpaste and shoe polish?

Toothpaste cleans teeth with mild abrasives, antibiotics, and bleaching agents. The fluoride is there to make your teeth stronger. All of these useful compounds are suspended in a gel-like substance to make them easily applied to your teeth.

Shoe polish, on the other hand, is just a bunch of waxes, oils, dyes and water. I doubt it would clean your teeth. So no, I don't see a connection between the active ingredients in toothpaste and those in shoe polish.

Is there a connection in ingredients between toothpaste and shoe polish?
Not Sure...BUT...there is a connection between bubble gum and car tires..... I guess there is ...Alot of people put their foot in their mouth....quite often..........


What makes the banana peeling can be used as shoe polish?

when it get dreid, it is made into powder and then with suitable other mixture polish is made.i think banana has a typical sticky ,binding nature ,so it is used in polish so it get stick to shoes and last long.

What makes the banana peeling can be used as shoe polish?
I prefer to just eat the banana then throw away the peels.
Reply:the peel has an oil so rub it on your shoes and buff it off


My "friend" just accidentally ate a whole thing of shoe polish, what kind of superpowers can he expect?

He will develop the ability to read minds and communicate telepathically with sea turtles.

My "friend" just accidentally ate a whole thing of shoe polish, what kind of superpowers can he expect?
The ability polish up on his old ones, maybe.
Reply:The most amazing technicolor yawn ever known to mankind.
Reply:black tongue, addiction to shoe polish, frequent doctor visits, and much more

if he eats a lot of it, he might be able to fly like superman (in his mind)

Is your "friend" a dog or a cat? I can't imagine a human eating shoe polish. that's crazy.
Reply:None...shoe polish is non-toxic to "friends"
Reply:Well, he could polish my boots with his tongue. They could use it.
Reply:he can polish my shoe
Reply:Why sir....the power to renew leather with a single buff! To put a gleam in the sole of every boot! To be able to mark a drunk human being in such a way that he is the ridicule of the whole dorm!
Reply:you can shove a stacy adams up his hiney, and it will come out perfectly shined.
Reply:He should be able to point at anyone and cause them to do the 'soft shoe'.
Reply:He will be shine all over mankind.
Reply:the ability to shine shoes at the speed of light!
Reply:not invisibility, unless ur walking in the dark.... ultimate camo...
Reply:he can polish shoes with his mouth at the speed of light...
Reply:he can now shine shoes with his tongue
Reply:I don't know, but don't rub up against him. That stuff is impossible to wash out of clothes!
Reply:The superpowers of stomach pumping and long emergency room stays...
Reply:He will have the ability to open hundreds of envelopes without getting a paper cut.
Reply:He will have the ability to leap on shelves in a shoe store,out run any type of work boots, withstand aroma of the socks,%26amp; his teeth will never need shining again! =)
Reply:He can have shoe polishing powers!
Reply:The ability to blend in with any shiny surface.
Reply:He'll can expect to spit -and-shine. Get it! SPITSHINE!! LOL! spit on people's shoes and shine them up.
Reply:ummm tell him to go see al bundy the shoe doctor

shoe betcha he can help lol
Reply:I sense a lot of remarkable "heeling" powers
Reply:hopefully invinciblity ,so he doesn't die from all that shoe polish.
Reply:He can become the 'Amazing Super Shine', able to polish with the speed of wax. ;)
Reply:Sounds like he could go in for olympic-class hurling. Or the cookie-toss. Whichever. No superpowers, however, possibly darkened teeth. Sounds like some accident.

small business

Is gumamela flower is good in making black shoe polish? ?????aNswer pLz. . . . . . i reaLLy need uR heLppLz. .

I googled it. It is used to make a dye. It's latin name is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. It is also known as the shoeflower.

The website below says that yes it is used in shoe polish in China.

fashion accessories

What happens wen you eat baking powder and shoe polish????

your turds will be shiny, well risen loaves.

What happens wen you eat baking powder and shoe polish????
you prolly die sorry i dont have much of a sence of humor
Reply:why do u ask this?dont try it it cant be that good for ya!
Reply:you die
Reply:a severe sore belly
Reply:go ahead - try it and get back with us - you nitwit!!!
Reply:You kill your last braincell!
Reply:You would have bad craps!?!?!
Reply:A terrible end but a beautiful finish
Reply:I become pets food
Reply:You disinfect the Al Jolson Theory...oh Gawwwwwwwwwd I am laughing!!!!! Ok already it is not the answer that youare looking for, but it is a good one you MUST admit!
Reply:Looks like Nancy Kay beat me to the answer, Rise and Shine.

She deserves the Best selection. I'm too slow.
Reply:damn didn't get in first but you rise and shine
Reply:you RISE and SHINE
Reply:Instant Chemical reactions.......Barfing
Reply:PRAY!!! cause you will be overly sick!!
Reply:Judging from the category this is in - rise %26amp; shine.
Reply:u get really sick
Reply:You become a Kiwi

website design

Why can't all our prisoners put Brown shoe polish on their faces so as to avoid upsetting Muslims?

Why can't all our prisoners put Brown shoe polish on their faces so as to avoid upsetting Muslims?
regardless of the paper, why do we have this scum here at any rate. Take them out to sea and drop in ocean, leave for fishes to have lunch.
Reply:ha they'll be supplying sun beds nxt i'm laughing but it's not really funny a disgrace actually one wonders why they didn't think of this before thinking of planting bombs eh
Reply:What a wonderful Idea.
Reply:Unbelievable, just stick them in solitary and throw away the key, then they cant complain. Mind you these days if you are in prison, you are probably better off than if you were outside!!!
Reply:Most likely got some pig fat in it
Reply:It's amazing how a few respndents, in order to avoid the truth, prefer to blame the messenger instead, in this case the Mail, instead of dealing with the substance of the article. The racist word comes out, or, reported. How pathetic and childish.
Reply:Its a joke why did the authority's move them prison is prison what they should do with them is put them in a pig sty and let them rot.
Reply:Dirty scumbags should be deported, I'm hacked off with my taxes paying for the scummy trash.
Reply:Do you believe everything you read in newspapers. I am sure this question must have offended a number of people.
Reply:I would suggest you stop reading the "bigots bible" and get a newspaper instead.
Reply:I wanted to answer your question but I have been left speechless!
Reply:aagh! bring back hangings!!

lets buy al the prisoners extra strong FakeBake fake tan. Believe me, that stuff'll get you brown in no time... lol
Reply:In the words of Louis Braille above.........

"the Daily Mail" lol...

What a doesnt matter what fecking paper its in, IT HAPPENS !!

One rule for the Muslims on this forum????

These two prats above have never got a valid argument . They accuse others of being racist yet consistently attack Jews. Their hypocrisy is something else.

When they see an article someone has quoted on white people or Eastern Europeans from the Daily Mail they attack then without mentioning the paper is a rag.........because it serves their purpose to attack non-muslims

They consistently play the race card to suit their own ends.....well guess what??? I and others arent frightened to speak our minds,.....

What do those pair of brats know about anything??? Fecking kids.

Oh and the two in prison??? send them to Afghanistan or Pakistan........on the end of a rocket.
Reply:Wow you have something in common with these terrorists. You are a racist bigot the same as them!! Would be funny if it wasnt so tragic......

I just go by the rest of your questions and answers as pathetic as they are
Reply:Firstly, as someone else said, stop reading the Daily Facist and actually buy a proper newspaper and not a comic for BNP supporters.

Secondly, there are bigots and idiots in any race of people, it doesn't make every person in that race an extremist thug does it? If it did we'd be going round accusing every Irish person of being part of the IRA or every Russian of being one of Stalin's henchman. Its ridiculous to have views like that isn't it, so do everyone a favour and grow up!
Reply:Is there no end to your racist questions and answers, first the gypsies and now the Muslims.You are racist bigot, again you are reading Daddies Daily Mail. There you go again little old ladies, lived with Grannie long.
Reply:this scum were planning to kill lots of innocent people,why treat them any different from anyone else,let them feel what it is like to get a taste of there own medicine,and they can shove there religion down there own throat not mine.
Reply:Having read the whole article, it's clear that the colour of the other prisoners faces wasn't the problem, it was in fact the threat of physical violence.

The real problen here is that you are a racist and your vile opinions are stoked up by the right wing toilet paper that you read (actually, you probably just look at the pictures !).
Reply:lets send them to a prison in a islamic country and be rid of em.
Reply:Perhaps they'd like breakfast in bed every morning. And there I was thinking that they couldn't chose their accomodation. Maybe they would like to be amongst other like minded indiduals, rather than the general prison population.
Reply:Daily Mail???

If you read the article, the two prisoners have been attacked, the one on the left was burned in an attack a while back. Its more a safety move than anything. But the Daily Mail is known to twist things into rubbish

performing arts

On which website can I buy some Kangaroo Shoe Polish?

go and purchase, please send me one.


How is the weather inside a bottle of shoe polish?


How is the weather inside a bottle of shoe polish?
Dark sprinkles of light coming in from the northwest section. It appears that the rest of the week will follow in accordance.
Reply:Cloudy with a chance of Rain............
Reply:through a glass, darkly?
Reply:what kind of question is that? Why are you going to shrink and live in one? But im guessing shiny
Reply:Hows the weather in a bottle of shoe polish..Well...Its kinda cloudy in here with a 80% chance of rain...then by morning...every thing will be all clear and the sky will be shining bright

home theater

Is charcoal and hibiscus extract feasible as shoe polish?

It might be, but with shoe polish so inexpensive, why bother!

Here is a link regarding shoe polish, and there is a history as well as many great links to read about shoe polish.

Happy shining!!

Is charcoal and hibiscus extract feasible as shoe polish?
where would you get the protector wax part?


If you invented a new type of shoe polish,what would you be?

A shoe polish inventor.

If you invented a new type of shoe polish,what would you be?
da shoe polisher
Reply:a shoe polish pimp
Reply:A polish buttplug
Reply:a shoe polish inventor...............

games hardware

Is it possible to buy pale gold shoe polish?

i found this on ebay is that what you asked for?

Is it possible to buy pale gold shoe polish?
erm not sure if its comes in that colour, but you can certainly buy clear polish from most shoe shops that will do the job.

if you looking to recolour scuff marks then you may need a gold colour pen and then polish over with the clear polish.
Reply:You could try Barrets

health care

What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?

1st correct answer, 10 points

What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
You'll rise and shine?
Reply:yoou will end up with loafers
Reply:Awe! Good job, Beadtheway, that has to be the right answer! That's so cute!
Reply:You rise and shine.

darn, too slow.
Reply:you'll rise and shine.


If you invented a new type of shoe polish,where would you work?


If you invented a new type of shoe polish,where would you work?

performing arts

Is gumamela flowers good in making black shoe polish????

pls answer ds question. . . i need ur help. . . .

Is gumamela flowers good in making black shoe polish????
they are beautiful and have medicinal purposes but I am not aware of their use in shoe polish

Reply:I don't know. That's a weird question.
Reply:Yes they are. Gumamela flowers are also good at making chewing gum, specifically Bubbalicious. Please make me a batch of cherry.
Reply:why does it matter? Not sure...

visual arts

Does anybody know how to remove black shoe polish from a carpet?

white spirit

Does anybody know how to remove black shoe polish from a carpet?
Ouch! might want to consider going all black with the carpet.
Reply:Good luck with that one try calling a carpet cleaning company
Reply:Get the most you can up with the vacuum then hit the stain with an absorbent cloth and a little lighter fluid (naphtha, white spirit) and blot with dry paper towels that will get the wax up then the remaining should wash out with a carpet shampoo, have fun and polish your shoes in the kitchen!
Reply:We had a similar problem recently and used 'Stikatak Carpet Stain Remover'. One thing I would say is to use white spirit very sparingly as I was once told by a specialist that more carpets are ruined by white spirit than paint spills, as it attacks the backing of many modern carpets.
Reply:Any insecticide; as it's an organic dissolvent. leave it on the spot for 10 minutes and then clean it with water and some soap. and you're done.
Reply:try with white spirit , on cotton wool ,gently dab the spot where the polish is , then rinse with clear water,then with your own shampoo give a wash , remember when removing the stain work inwards so the stain won´t spread. once the stain has been removed .lay a towel with a heavy object on top of the wet patch this will help lift out any water from the underside of the carpet . you most likely have to sponge the carpet again as sooner or later the water stain will come to the surface
Reply:Try claiming for a new carpet off the house insurance

makeup tips

Does anyone know how to get black shoe polish out of clothes??

bleach maybe

Does anyone know how to get black shoe polish out of clothes??
by hand....soak in warm....almost hot water and oxy clean. Let soak for a few hours aggitating every 15 minutes. Works for greese spots too.
Reply:ya sure , i have a small piece of cloth on which there is a lot of polish so u can extract it easily. lol
Reply:first of all use nail polish remover if that dosent work you're out of luck


fashion accessories

Looking for a hot sauce called "Texas Shoe Polish"?

Originally purchased in San Antonio but can't find store.

Looking for a hot sauce called "Texas Shoe Polish"?
If by chance you don't find your hot sauce here's the link I use when I want to burn the eyebrows off my Doctor when he says "Say Ah":

small business web

What are the top five companies of shoe polish makers?

the five companies who have got large market share...

what are thier strategies?

who is the market leader?

information about thier finantial reports......

What are the top five companies of shoe polish makers?
Not to sure about the top 5 but I do know that KIWI is one the biggest and most recognized.
Reply:Try the links in


What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?

Good question

You rise and shine?

What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
good things, good things
Reply:You will produce the first colored loaf
Reply:Will you rise and shine in the morning?
Reply:you get a high rise shine
Reply:what kind of question is that
Reply:Your butt comes out bigger with a nice spit shine.........
Reply:you will RISE and SHINE. lol
Reply:UHHH dont try it. cause that would be stupid
Reply:get 2!
Reply:They will probably come and tie your straight jacket back up!
Reply:Your buns will get bigger %26amp; be shinier!
Reply:You might be sick....
Reply:You throw up?
Reply:Every morning you'll rise and shine!
Reply:You: skycat whats this you know that you get, lolored buns that rise,bread buns,,well then you tell me,buns of fun,,,%26lt;%26gt;R%26lt;%26gt;
Reply:I will get sick...

annual credit report

What are the best ways to remove shoe polish from your car?

I have it on the rubber part of the window, and on the top part of my paint

What are the best ways to remove shoe polish from your car?
Try goof off.It works good on most everything.Home Depot for sure carries it.
Reply:a little light mineral spirits on a rag should take it off quickly and will not harm your clear coating, they use it in autobody all the time for a grease and wax remover
Reply:Mr Clean eraser sponge and works on a lot more than that. and leaves no residue.


I am looking for Technowax company produce shoe polish?

yahoo shopping has it

reliable web hosting

I got nail polish remover on dark couch, took out color, how can i cover it? shoe polish doens't work! HELP!

Leather dye you may need to mix a couple of shades to get close in color A big shoe repair shop may have a selection ...........Contact a furniture store I'll bet they have many occasions that call for coloring a damaged piece before they sell It. In fact I'd go there first.

I got nail polish remover on dark couch, took out color, how can i cover it? shoe polish doens't work! HELP!
Here's another suggestion, perhaps you can use a fabric pen. Try Joanne Fabrics.
Reply:try some craft paint. they have all colors at wal-mart.
Reply:from certain shoe repairers ( my brother in law is one ) you can buy a dye that will perm dye the spot you have created. This might be well worth trying .

Good Luck!!!
Reply:IF THIS IS A LEATHER COUCH USE (febingsleather dye ) it comes in 5or 6 basic colors you will find it only at a shoe repair shop

Yellow Teeth

What do you use to remove shoe polish from paint on a car??

Must have been a wedding huh? Very bad thing to do, I guess all you could do is wash it, you will see where it (shoe polish) has been forever, like when you car is wet or dew has fell on it.... Good Luck

What do you use to remove shoe polish from paint on a car??
try car wax, if not 3M finess
Reply:try buffing your car with scratch-out
Reply:either a tar and spot remover or a cut and polish will remove it
Reply:Craftsman power sander with a highly abrasive grinding disc.
Reply:Try Naptha or Turpintine.
Reply:try goof off available at autoparts stores everywhere


What are the ingredients of the shoe polish made from oregano leaves?

oregano leaves


How do you get a liquid shoe polish stain out of a carpet that has been in for about a year?

There are 3 things that should work, make sure the carpet dries completely before trying the next technique. Do not try the store purchased carpet spot cleaners, different stains need to be treated differently, there is no universal cleaner, certain spot cleaners can actually set the stain in making it permanent

1. Blot with an Acetone-based nail polish remover.

2. Blot solution of 1 teaspoon maximum of liquid hand dish washing detergent per cup of lukewarm water.

3.Blot with a solution of 2 tablespoons of household ammonia per cup of water. Blot with lukewarm water with a white towel.

Be sure to blot, do not rub or you will be pushing the stain further into the carpet

If this does not work, you will need to call a professional out and have them clean it. Be sure to tell them what all you have treated the area with so his chemicals do not react with what you put on it.

How do you get a liquid shoe polish stain out of a carpet that has been in for about a year?
Great difficulty or hire a decent industrial cleaner from one of you local DIY merchants they even supply the cleaning fluid required....
Reply:buy new carpet
Reply:put on carpet cleaner about 5 minutes, then rub it with a brush pushing hardly. then wet a hand towel and mop the top. i hope this helps you.
Reply:If white bleach it...

If colorful then..... different story
Reply:Find an area in the same carpet that will always be under or behind something, such as a door. Cut out the stained area and cut an identical patch from the concealed area. Exchange the stained patch for the clean. Or just recarpet the entire space.
Reply:Go to Smart and Final they are a supply house for cleaning items if anyone has something for it they do.
Reply:Why did you leave it for a year. Anyway buy vanish and soak it until it starts to dissolve
Reply:Buy a new carpet...
Reply:well ill tell ya ya get one of those there humdinger things umm... razor i suppose and cut out the stained area carefully dont cut your finger
Reply:Initially I would try Vanish or some washing up liquid, if that did not help I would call a steam cleaning contractor. They have stronger chemicals and bigger machines for getting rid of these stains.

Loose Teeth

Come on people!! i accidently had shoe polish on my belt buckle and the drill instructor brought me...........

in the whiskey locker, put only three of his fingers on my wind pipe, i couldnt breath for about 30 seconds, and then he punched me in the stomach hard, just over a lousy belt buckle!!!! i know most of u in the military category will say the drill instructor done the right thing but hitting recruits is against the law! my question is, why you all condone this type of behavior? i am not a punching bag!!

Come on people!! i accidently had shoe polish on my belt buckle and the drill instructor brought me...........
26 years ago, recruits WERE punching bags. Sorry. Be more careful next time.
Reply:I have some ocean front property in Montana for sale at only $2.00 an acre also. Your story is ridiculous, stop wasting our time. No internet in basic, plus no drill instructor acts like that this day and age, and if someone did hit you you have the right to defend yourself and report in my book you'd be a wimp for not having done so.

Wolrds greatest bone head above.....keep enjoying your freedom, Soldiers enjoy having fought for it.
Reply:Wow since when does a recruit have internet access?
Reply:yeah, you're not a punching bag, however, what's going to happen to a recruit who is babied throughout basic and then becomes a POW??? is that recruit going to cry and say "you can't dunk me in water over and over and beat me to a bloody pulp!!! i'm not your punchnig bag!" and expect the bad guy to say "oh, yes, i see, you are's a 6 course dinner and bottle of beer".

c'mon, put on your big boy pants and get over it.
Reply:I went through basic 26 years ago myself.

And I know that your story is BS.
Reply:Uh, excuse me, but why is this important to you after TWENTY SIX YEARS? And why are you posting it NOW?

EDIT: Ask an intelligent question and you'll get an intelligent answer.
Reply:Whiskey locker? What Army were you in?

If that really happened, yes it was wrong and unlawful. And no, that type of behavior is not condoned at all.
Reply:There is no way you are in the military basic training, and have internet access.

Look stop eating before you go to bed, turn off the Military movies before you go to bed also, this will cut down on the bad dreams you are having.

When you are old enough to join the military, do it. You will see that does not occur.



Reply:I don't condone it. There are lines and that DI clearly crossed one when he did that. I'm kind of glad they don't do that anymore...At least they're not supposed to. Also, remember, that was a different time. That kind of thing was normal in the military back then. have internet access in basic training? You must be in the Airforce. You deserver to be beaten.


A Former Marine.
Reply:Quit being a F***ING P*$$Y. Yeah, and since when did they let you recruits use the internet?

skin lesions

Can you put a rag with shoe polish or polyurethane on it in the washer to clean?

I'm just wondering if harmful chemicals would end up in the water supply.

Can you put a rag with shoe polish or polyurethane on it in the washer to clean?
Used water doesn't just run into rivers from your house. It ends up in waste treatment plants, but what is in the wash water goes with it. However, polyurethane dries to a hard finish and will not be washed off in the washer. As for shoe polish, there is wax in the mixture that will coat your washer and transfer to subsequent loads. Why bother. Rags are cheap. You can get them at Home Depot for next to nothing.
Reply:In addition, you will probably leave a residue in your washer drum that will transfer to future loads. Particularly rags with shoe polish which is wax based can leave a film build-up on the inside of the washer which will rub off on clothing in the next load. I think I would rather dispose of the rags than risk ruining clothing.
Reply:it will coat the inside of the washer and maybe make it stink

maybe make other clothes after stink too or stain them

it is not worth it

a very dirty rag is not worth the cost in hot water, detergent, electricity, and wear and tear on the washer that it takes to clean it.

if you still want to clean it, hand wash it in a bucket outside
Reply:no! no! no! only by hand
Reply:Just dump it, you said it was a rag.

improve skin tone

How do I remove dried liquid shoe polish from my cream carpet without leaving a mark?

What you need to do with this stain is use a solvent type product. Since you don't have the professional stuff try using orange glo or even 409. The most important thing to do is rinse the stain with a wet vac to remove all the reside, or the spot may come back.

If you have fingernail polish try acetate. Blot the chemical onto the spot and then remove with a towel and repeat, keep on doing this until stain is gone or you stop getting colour transfer. Then rinse the stain with a wet vac and water to remove all the reside,

How do I remove dried liquid shoe polish from my cream carpet without leaving a mark?
Try Greased Lightning. Its a auto detail product found and I purchase it at WalMart. Follow the directions, works great.

neutral skin tone

How do I remove "sun-baked" shoe polish from my car windshield? I've tried every chemical I can think of.

I've removed most of it, but there a few spots remaining.

How do I remove "sun-baked" shoe polish from my car windshield? I've tried every chemical I can think of.
glass cleaner and a razor blade
Reply:Try Mother's chrome polish,I've had real success on windshields like that.
Reply:we use very fine steelwool in our body shop
Reply:a razorblade works really well.
Reply:Take a strait edge razor (single blade) and lay it flat on the Wind sheild. whith slight presure scrap it along and underneath the shoe polish and the bulk of the shoe polish will come off. If it dosen't it means you have a surface problem on your windshield. If this is the case get some #6 Steel wool and window cleaner and spray it on the shoe polish (this is after you've gotten the bulk off with the razor) and slightly rub, not a lot of presure, and remove the shoe polish. Good Luck
Reply:try taking a wet rag, and putting it on the spot. Take an iron and iron it. This works on carpeting to remove polish.
Reply:Use a single edged razor blade.
Reply:car windows are not all that solid if made out of safety glass try soaking with a sponge soaked in amonia and then with alcohol away from the daily sun and heat --be generous with the cleaning liquids, the stain is in the glass pores, you`ll have to "wash" it all the way thru to the other side

skin tone

What solvent softens hardened & cracked tinned shoe polish? (have tried meths & white spirit without success).

Just warm it on a stove burner on low. It will melt and come together like new. Be careful not to end up with a fire,

What solvent softens hardened %26amp; cracked tinned shoe polish? (have tried meths %26amp; white spirit without success).
kereosene oil few drops
Reply:Try a little vegetable oil.

skin tone

If you know what a burning shoe polish smell is like, why do i smell it when i switch all my gas appliances?

Well if all of your appliance are new then they have a oil coating on the burners to prevent corrosion while sitting in storage when the appliance is first fired the first few times you will get that smell sometimes. The smell will last longer depending how much of a oil coating they put or how often you use it. The best thing to do in this case run the appliance until the smell goes away. It should take about a hour or so.

Also sometimes the gas company put a bad batch of scent in the gas and when it burns it can smell like a bunch of other things. I would ask all of your neighbors if they are having the same problem if they are then you will just have to wait for it to pass.

Good Luck!

If you know what a burning shoe polish smell is like, why do i smell it when i switch all my gas appliances?
I'm not sure what burning shoe polish smells like, but the gas company puts an odorant in the gas to help detect leaks. Call your gas company and ask to have your house checked for leaks. You probably want to call from a neighbor's phone. If you have a gas leak, an electrical spark can cause an explosion.


What is the black oil in shoe polish?

Shoe polish, specifically the paste type that is bought in small round tins, is a blend of materials. Traditionally black shoe polish was a blend of carbon black, vegetable oil and kerosene.

Modern shoe polishes still contain petroleum distillate, such as White spirt and carbon black, but may also contain various waxes, and even silicones to improve water repellance.

Petroleum distillates are used to thin the polish down to make it easy to apply and allow the waxes etc to penetrate into leather

So in answer the black colour comes from carbon black, which is chemically the same as soot from a chimney.

You can try making your own shoe polish at home using soot, white spirt and a good quality solid wax and a bit of vegetable oil. Give it a go.

What is the black oil in shoe polish?
its called suit

Reply:Petrol oil, i.e. one of it's distilates. Those distilates are distilated at rather high temperatures (like 250C) and are used in asphalt, to make it softer and smoother, as well as for softening the leather, which the shoes are made of.


Just moved house and unpacked and I found some old shoe polish,,anybody want their shoes polishing?

also found a dead spider,,,free to collector but can post

Just moved house and unpacked and I found some old shoe polish,,anybody want their shoes polishing?
If my shoes saw a brush coming towards them, they would fall to bits. Pity the spider is dead, i was looking for a live one to replace Boris who fell off the ceiling a while ago.
Reply:Hi happy-how you doing.

I never use polish, I got this spay stuff that gives an instant shine-how is that for lazy.

You can keep your dead Spider, you may feed it to the birds-now that's a good idea.
Reply:Yes please no spit just polish,,,,,dont want the spider,,,
Reply:Yes, you can come round and polish my kinky boots, but you'll have to call me 'Mistress'...

And I'll swap your dead spider for the dead wasp I found on the bathmat this morning...
Reply:no thanks my shoes are fine
Reply:I don't wear shoes, they're overrated!

Spider might be useful though, would you swap it for a caterpillar?
Reply:how much of that green stuff have you smoked today

you crazy man

been to argos, got it the fun begins now
Reply:No, but reminds me of last time I moved house. In doing a final check I looked in the loft where I found 2 boxes of stuff that I had put there 'temporarily' when we moved in 10 years previously.
Reply:no thanks
Reply:Will pass on the spider thanx urgggggg but a good polish will do nicely hun thanx

Have a star

Reply:What colour is the polish? My brown boots need a good going over.

I'll pass on the spider thanks . . .

No thanks.

skin tags

How do I get black shoe polish out of tan carpet? Tried carpet cleaner.?

Try dampening a white rag with peroxide. Blot the spot. If it doesn't come out by blotting, rub gently.

How do I get black shoe polish out of tan carpet? Tried carpet cleaner.?
Goof-Off. You can get a small can for a few bucks at Home Depot/Lowe's and it works on paint as well.
Reply:Try paint thinner.
Reply:Windex®, the original brand name blue formula, will often get stains out of carpet. Spray on and wipe with paper towels. Best to try a bit in a hidden location (closet or corner) before using it out in the middle.
Reply:From what I've heard, that "Oxi Clean" product works well. See the below link on it.
Reply:I swear by the Rug Doctor.You can rent them from most grocery stores.


Are there other purposes for shoe polish?

Can it be used to wax or seal finishes

Are there other purposes for shoe polish?
Original Purpose: Removing scuffs from wingtips.

Aha! Use: Filling in nicks and gouges on wooden chairs and tables. Apply a pea-size dot of wax shoe polish, then use a soft cotton cloth to buff it in, as you would on shoes.

Reward: Like-new chair legs without paying an arm and a leg.

helpful cleaning tip
Reply:Paste polish does a wonderful job of covering scratches etc on all kinds of furniture. Any thing wood, trim, floors, etc.

Liquid shoe polish was the main stay in painting for sale signs, info signs. Prior to WWII most yard signs were made of the insides of card board boxes and Dy in shine shoe polish. A 15 cent bottle would paint a truck load of signs.
Reply:sure, and u can use it to stencil stuff like snow at christmas.

it has many uses, old folks use it at nursing homes to dye their hair.
Reply:Camouflage, or to do one of those 'black face' minstrel skits. Man, those are funny.
Reply:you could use it to fill in small disfigured portions of furniture and such

skin rash

How can I get black shoe polish off my finger nails?

fingernail polish remover. it removes more than polish.

How can I get black shoe polish off my finger nails?
Use and old toothbrush or scrub brush.
Reply:Prevention is the best cure. Next time you clean your shoes wear kitchen gloves.

But today get a nailbrush and some soap out and scrub away!
Reply:Turpentine should do. Next time, before you start a job that would get you some dirt under your nails, scratch a soap bar with your nails and fill the space between skin and nails with soap. At the end of the job rinse off the soap and your nails will be nice and clean.
Reply:have you tried with the water from the potatoes , when you have peeled the potato´s, many people peel them then leave them in water , so when you empty the water at the bottom you see all the starch they have left . If you leave some water from the potatoes and soak your hands in this water for 5 to 10 min´s this should remove the polish


Is latex paint, batteries, vinegar, shoe polish, tobacco, antifreeze, rgasoline, weed killer bad for the envir

yeaaahhh i do:]

heyy lerbsss:]

and i go latex paint

flashligh batteries




weed killer

Is latex paint, batteries, vinegar, shoe polish, tobacco, antifreeze, rgasoline, weed killer bad for the envir
prolly so... but it makes the world go around


Saturday, July 25, 2009

How do I get black shoe polish stains out of a cream carpet?

before I attack it with potions and lotions - does anyone have any idea how to get rid of this - I have a hand held steamer that I could use but im afraid of making it worse - hence the question.

Thank you

How do I get black shoe polish stains out of a cream carpet?
Hi there. I've found a site for you that lists a couple of different remedies for your shoe polish problem.

Hope it helps!

Reply:put white shoe polish on it.

maybe not
Reply:black shoe polish is tough to get out - call a professional carpet cleaner, they know it all. I once had rust on my carpet from a Christmas tree stand, and they came out, and removed the rust in 30 seconds!


Survey - What is the best shoe polish to shine red patent leather?

Most types are fine, just make sure your buffing cloth is clean,

or just sweat.

Survey - What is the best shoe polish to shine red patent leather?
Vaseline and paper towel.
Reply:I use Vaseline.......its cheap...and it adds a nice shine.......I use a old sock to buff it......♥
Reply:Theirs nothing like a spit shine love, I'll glady volunteer if you let me?
Reply:i'd place money on the chick with the red boots, whatever she uses....those things are fierce
Reply:~mink oil or saddle soap~
Reply:spray furniture polish is good
Reply:Try mayonaise. I use that to polish the leaves of a plant which makes them not just shine but glow.
Reply:believe it or not.......a banana peel
Reply:Kiwi brand, Neutral color
Reply:How To Polish Shoes With A Banana

No shoe polish? No problem! ...As long as you have a banana! That's right, you can go polish your shoes with this yellow crescent of unparalleled beauty, let us show you how!

Click this video
Reply:Clear shoe polish (cream form), the regular kind, if you have none in hand try some Vaseline.


Dyeing tips of hair with shoe polish...?

hello all :) i have read the this can be done...but i don't have any idea where to begin to do it right... thanks for any advice :)

Dyeing tips of hair with shoe polish...?
it wont work

it will wash out

becuz i once did that to my shoe and i accidentally got it inside my shoe

the next day i wore white socks and they ended up w/ brown at the tips of my socks

and the shoe polish will just wash right out

maintenance repairs

Where can I buy Kiwi Shoe Polish? Not Online!?

Thank you, and a store, not online!

Where can I buy Kiwi Shoe Polish? Not Online!?
Wal Mart by the shoes (can't miss it) , Payless, or your local grocery store sometimes
Reply:Wal*Mart, shoe stores, grocery stores.
Reply:WalMart, Target, drugstores, and any place that sells shoes.
Reply:Wal Mart
Reply:Shoe stores, Department stores, shoe repair shops.

Reply:Wal-mart in the shoe department.
Reply:I just bought it the other day at Walgreen's drug store, so maybe other drug stores carry it too.
Reply:Try any of the major mass retailers (a la Target) or DSW if there is one near you. Good luck!


How do i get black shoe polish out of a blue carpet?

it is smudged and has been trodden in but is less than a week old

How do i get black shoe polish out of a blue carpet?
degreasers of some sort (Castrol Super Clean, or D%26amp;M waterless hand cleaner) will help.

Sometimes an iron over several layers of paper towels will help, BUT BE CAREFUL WHAT KIND OF CARPET YOU HAVE.... YOU COULD JUST MELT THE CARPET.

Might have to get a professional cleaner.
Reply:pray lol.... professional steam cleaning?
Reply:Try using cold water and Greased Lightning Orange Blast. It's a really good degreaser. It takes motor oil stains out of my dad's clothes after he services his truck.
Reply:steam vac
Reply:shaving cream!!!
Reply:I have tried Barbasol shaving cream, it has taken grease and oil out of my carpets. Just spray on and take white cloth and blot. And any cheap shave cream should work.
Reply:Rub gently with a damp cloth and washing up liquid from the outside edges in, then rinse with a clean cloth. It might take a couple of goes but persevere it will come out.

credot siosse

How can i clean off shoe polish?

depends on what kind of fabric or surface you got it on.

Its grease ... so begin with WD-40, spray it on, dab with white clean cloth. Keep moving the cloth so you are dabbing with a clean section of it each time.

Anything that will get out Lip Stick will get out shoe Polish.

Hope that helps!

myspace quizzes

What type of sponge and shoe polish bottle do i use for armour etch?

Who told you to use a sponge and shoe polish bottle? What is the bottle for?

I use a brush.

What type of sponge and shoe polish bottle do i use for armour etch?

horses for loan

How do I get black shoe polish out of blue jeans?

Try rubbing washing up liquid onto the part where it's stained, then wash out. It might need you to do it a couple of times. Use a nail brush if the stains are persistent.

How do I get black shoe polish out of blue jeans?
The only thing i suggest you try is resolve,other than that,i doubt it will come out.
Reply:thats a tough one


Where can I purchase Dubbin shoe polish in Singapore?

try some supermarkets or shoe stores or shoe repair shops

visual arts

How do you get black shoe polish off of white cars?

i need help my car looks like crap any ideas

How do you get black shoe polish off of white cars?
Don't get too worked up, if your paint was in reasonably good shape

and you are talking about the 'Liquid type' shoe polish.

( the wax type shoe polish is even easier to remove.)

You simple use a good "Cleaner Wax" ( Make sure it is Cleaner Wax ) like Turtle Wax or Meguirs, or Mothers....I use Turtle.

OK Grass-Hopper...listen to these words

Simply apply the wax with a 'foam applicator' (available where you buy the automotive wax.) with a Circular motion to the right ( WAX ON)

Then allow it to haze over a bit.

Then remove the wax with a soft terry towel in a circular motion to the left. (WAX OFF) Turning the towel over often as you go.

When you are done the Black shoe polish will be gone.

And you will in the process become a Karate Kid.

Just kidding with movie references, but this will do the job. Will also remove bird droppings and paint over spray.

Hope this helps.

Yours: Grumpy
Reply:too much work. paint the car black.
Reply:With acitone on a rag dont poor it on the car just put it on the rag first. afterwards wash and wax the car. it is safe to use
Reply:Mr. Clean magic eraser
Reply:In the future do not put black shoe polish on your white car. and try a good car wash.
Reply:Rub it with dish soap.


How do i get black shoe polish out of a white carpet?

try SA8 solutions all frabric bleach it works great

How do i get black shoe polish out of a white carpet?
try pouring some pepsi on it (not diet pepsi). and if that doesn't work, then use something else to get both of them off. hehehe
Reply:I would say bleach - but it may take a while
Reply:Use chalkstick.
Reply:Go to a good shoe shop or maybe a supermarket? and see if you can get hold of a product designed to remove shoe polish. . what ever you do do not rub it or get it wet. You need to get the right product for the job
Reply:you wont ever get it out completely.. try vanish carpet shampoo. you will have to keep repeating this. but it will leave discolouration.
Reply:USE EXIT SOAP, my kids had a nasty accident with their fathers boot polish last fall and A friend told me about this product and it is amazing.
Reply:try scrubbing area with "swarfega" (the one without the polyballs) then wash off using a wet vaccum cleaner with carpet shampoo / 25% ammonia mix
Reply:a brand name carpet cleaner that foams up %26amp; comes in a spray can %26amp; u vacume after scrubbin
Reply:try hairspray
Reply:try bicarbonate of soda add a little water to the bicarb put on stain gently rub in and leave a while when dry hoover up
Reply:I use 1001 solution bought in most shops one or maybe two applications%26gt;%26gt;dab dont rub
Reply:you cant


Where can I find blue shoe dye or blue shoe polish?

Try your hardware store like True Value or a Home Hardware I have seen that they have carried it in the past.

Where can I find blue shoe dye or blue shoe polish?
Although not recently, I have purchased navy blue creme shoe polish at a Bass Shoe Store.
Reply:Any local shoe repair shop should have what you're looking for. Don't go to retail chain shoe stores... if they DO have any polish, it'll be the more generic colors like black, brown and white. You want a place that fixes shoes.

A repair shop will have multiple colors of polish at least. You could then inquire if the shop owner has, or knows how to get, dye.

Good luck.
Reply:Go to Wal-Mart get some of the blue dye on the laundry isle. It is going to dye anything it touches blue.
Reply:Go to a wedding dress shop. I kid you not. They dye shoes to match for all color they have all colors shoe dye.
Reply:a shop
Reply:if you have an old fashioned cobblers,they have both of these items. i live in torquay and we have quite a few,they also cut keys,the shop is in torre, union street

small business

What retailer sells Kiwi shoe polish?

Walgreens, Walmart. Online, I think sells it.

What retailer sells Kiwi shoe polish?
I've seen it inseveral stores, Wal Mart, Target and even some larger grocery stores. They are very popular and their product is excellent.

fashion accessories

Is my brown Kiwi shoe polish supposed to be black in color?

Or did I get a tin with the wrong top on it?

Is my brown Kiwi shoe polish supposed to be black in color?
I think it should look dark brown. you can easily test it by applying on a white paper.
Reply:It may just appear black in the can but when you use it, you'll realize it's just a dark pigment of brown.
Reply:it is often....why you bought it for brown

website design

How do I get shoe polish out of my carpet?

Use rubbing alcohol and a damp cloth.

performing arts

How do you get shoe polish off a white top?

i tried washing it a lot of times but it doesnt come off, please help

How do you get shoe polish off a white top?
If you have stained your clothing with shoe polish, there is a chance that the stain can be removed. Before you throw away a good clothing item, try this quick and easy remedy.

•Mix two parts of water with one part of rubbing alcohol for colored fabrics.

•Pour straight alcohol into a small bowl for white fabrics.

•Saturate a soft cloth with the liquid and wet the shoe polish stain.

•Rub gently in a circular motion.

•Lay the garment in the sun to dry.

•Repeat as needed. :)
Reply:Soak in cold water , remove from the water and add a small amount of dish washing liquid . Rub the liquid into the stains with your finger tips. Now pop straight into your washing machine on a 30ºc or 40ºc normal wash cycle. If the stain is still there when it comes out of the machine , hang your top outside in the sun keep sprinkling cold water over the stain every now and then . The sun will bleach the remaining stain out the natural way


How do you remove shoe polish from a leather belt?

I would get as much off with a small brush maybe nail brush and then I would use soap and water then plain water and then dry it with a terry cloth towel by pressing it over and over to get as much of the moisture back out dry in a warm dry place! Shoe polish is water soluble and leather handles water fine should be fine! Good Luck!

home theater

Has anyone ever used shoe polish to dye thier hair black for Halloween ?

I think I did this when I was a kid and it worked very well But the last thing I need is for it not to wash out and have to to work with my hair still back on monday LOL

Has anyone ever used shoe polish to dye thier hair black for Halloween ? to buy some overthecounter dye specifically for Halloween purposes...guaranteed to wash out.


Whatever happened to tan shoe polish? All they sell is black and brown, and "cordovan". What is "cordovan"?

I think "cordovan" used to be called "oxblood" in the good old days ... try on e-bay for your tan shoe polish .... I find lots of "hard to find" and discontinued products on e-bay.

Whatever happened to tan shoe polish? All they sell is black and brown, and "cordovan". What is "cordovan"?
Cordovan is a burgundy red color. Don't know what happened to tan--must have been before my time. Try neutral.

games hardware

How can you get shoe polish off car paint?

try WD40

How can you get shoe polish off car paint?
Goo-Gone - it'll take it off right now!
Reply:Belt sander!
Reply:rubbing compound and buffing
Reply:Try some mineral spirits. It will not harm the cars finish. You could also try some rubbing compound.
Reply:Have it buffed out!
Reply:If you'd like something chemical rather than just a soft rag and some rubbing a very little denatured alcohol on a soft rag, followed by washing w/water.

health care

Can I use black shoe polish on my baseball glove?

the leather on my glove is fading but i love the glove... still in good condition i just wanna bring back some of the color... is this ok to use?

Can I use black shoe polish on my baseball glove?
Only if you want a black glove.
Reply:yes, but not right before a game. it will leave marks on the ball and its illegal to put foreign substances on the ball . not sure what level you play at, but as long as it dries first you should be fine.
Reply:no forgien objects are allown on the glove


How can I remove shoe polish from a car window?

Razor blade will work, but may leave residue, best to use either ACETONE or window cleaner and a bit of rubbing should work.

How can I remove shoe polish from a car window?
Single edged razor blade lots of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:razor blade, best thing is steel wool! will not scracth glass at all. Every paint job we turn out, we steel wool the windows to get rid of any excess overspray that might have got through. Great for polishing glass.
Reply:if it is dried, then take a razor blade and scrape it off
Reply:a razor blade

performing arts

Does Keith Olbermann wear shoe polish on his eyebrows?

LOL...It does look like he has two woolly caterpillars mating up there, doesn't it.

Does Keith Olbermann wear shoe polish on his eyebrows?
Reply:They don't call him Kiwi eyes for nothing.
Reply:If he did that would be the only thing interesting about him.

Even though he looks goofy, he should not worry, nobody is watching anyway.

visual arts

How do I clean shoe polish off silk?

While you don't say if it is a silk article of clothing or upholstery, I would recommend taking it to the dry cleaner for advice.

makeup tips

Slogans for kiwi outshine shoe polish?

More shine one kiwi Own shine run kiwi Money shine Buy kiwi

Slogans for kiwi outshine shoe polish?
The most famous Kiwi shoe polish slogan I can think of is:

"When your shoes shine, so do you."
Reply:Kiwi All-Black Shine..............
Reply:Kiwi - "Get Your Shine On!"

Kiwi Outshine - Because you always want to outshine the competition!

Outline and fill with Outshine! Kiwi!

fashion accessories

My friends wrote in shoe polish on my truck. Now it won't come off the paint. What can I do to remove it?

Ajax or comet. Polishing compound for cars.

My friends wrote in shoe polish on my truck. Now it won't come off the paint. What can I do to remove it?
Lacquer thinner should wipe it right off.

Just apply a coat of wax in the area's you use the lacquer thinner as it will remove all the wax.

great for tar, paint marks, scuffs, and if its a white car...great way to bleach out the light scratches around the car.

as long as your car is a 1995 or above its safe to use.
Reply:Actually although all of the above are good answers, and assuming that the writing was intentional and not deserved (in this catagory I put things like 'just married' and such which sort of come with the territory so to speak), then:

I would plunk down $100 or so, have your car detailed (which will remove the shoe polish) and then divide the bill up among your friends.

a) You get your car made whole (maybe a bit better)

b) Your friends learn a little responsibility

c) You also find out which of your friends really are.

Reply:Go to an auto body supply place and ask for wax and grease remover,should take it off and won't harm your paint.
Reply:get better friends and then go to an autobody place and get car wax and be careful. whatever you do do not use ranch dressing.
Reply:Don't use lacquer thinner it will take the paint of your car. Try wax n grease remover, if that does not work try a compound. When you get the shoe polish off wax the area. You might want to wax your whole truck. The one spot will make the rest of the paint look dull.
Reply:Call a detail shop. DONOT use Comet or Ajax. It will scratch the paint and create a bigger problem. Cleanser has grit and will cause scratching. Try lacquer thinner or a good polshing compound. Wax it after you get done. I would make your friend pay for it. I hope your car isn't Black or a dark color and it set out in the sun and the shoe polish baked in. If it is Black or a dark color you'll never get it completely out. You will always notice it. Personally I would take it to a deatail shop and let them do it. They are pros.

small business web

How can i make shoe polish from banana peeling?

It's the easiest thing in the world.

Take a banana.

Take the banana out of its skin, making sure to remove all flesh.

Rub inside of empty skin on your shoe!

Wipe with soft cloth to polish.

Make sure not to take too long or the banana dries on your shoe and gets pretty gross.


How do you get shoe polish out of cat fur?

This is my 2500th answer. Feel blessed. Why did you put shoe polish on my fur anyway? I'll take care of it. Just go have another beer, sheesh.

How do you get shoe polish out of cat fur?
Reply:LOL! How'd you get shoe polish on cat fur??!
Reply:If you go with the bath method, line the sink or tub or whatever with a towel and don't put in TOO much water. Have someone help you, if possible. Maybe try a little goo gone on a cloth and wipe polish off first, or Goof Off, then bathe kitty to remove residue. Or use the kitty-wipes (or I just use baby wipes, they are a lot cheaper) instead to remove the residue.
Reply:I dont know, but I thought this question was hilarious!! I feel your pain though...My cat likes to go in the fireplace and get soot on her white paws....i used a wet rag with a little watered down shampoo
Reply:There are three ways:

One, keep the cat out of the shoe polish.

Two, send the cat to the dry cleaners.

Three, pour the liquid part of a can of tuna all over the cat and it will self clean!
Reply:Shave the pussy.
Reply:Give the cat a bath. Yes I am serious! Then with the hair wet, comb it out.
Reply:Was it black shoe polish?

Looks like you might need some white shoe polish.
Reply:Find a mean, fast dog with a taste for shoe polish.
Reply:Take him, asap to a dog groomer that does cats. Check in your yellow pages, or call your nearest Petsmart for a location. They will know what to use, and can restrain him while they scrub. The polish could be toxic to him when he grooms, and unless there's very little on him, you will probably not be able to get it all out.

This will cost $20-50 but you'll save on possible vet bills, and/or guilt this way.

Hippie's answer was funny, but good luck trying it yourself. This solution is also best done at the (pet) salon.
Reply:shave your puss.
Reply:Carburetor cleaner. The spray on type.
Reply:You can get scissors and clip it out. That way you don't have to worry about your cat injesting the polish or anything you might use to get it off. Your cats fur will grow back in time and he'll look just fine. (-:
Reply:rub the cat on your shoes.... why waste the polish?
Reply:Rub the cat on the shoes that need polishing.

IMPORTANT: make sure the shoes you want polished are the same color as the polish on the cat.

Reply:Shoe polish remover perhaps, or just cut the polish out a little at a time as the cat's fur grows.
Reply:how did it get in the cat fur?
Reply:There has to be a really cool story here! Please provide details!
Reply:Been kicking the cat again? Stick it under the shower, he'll hate you,but you gotta do,what you gotta do.
Reply:Seriously, give the cat a bath, and comb out the polish. But beware, the cat will go crazy, trust me, i have a cat, and she once fell in the tub while it was draining one day after my daughter had a bath. Remember: Combing a cat is not as easy as it looks.
Reply:just brush him..he'll shine right need to clean it...HA HA HA HA HA
Reply:Shave it.
Reply:lick it
Reply:How did you GET shoepolish in you cats fur?????????????
Reply:you deserve the scratches your going to get giving the cat a bath! Soccer balls are for kicking
Reply:Get a wet washcloth and put some Dawn dish soap on it and briskly rub the fur. Then take a clean cloth and get the soap off. If it is the wax shoe polish use a paper towel to try and "pull" some of the polish off first. There are also cat wipes that you can buy that will help get this off because they are already wet, and will be easier to use. If you choose the bath method, be careful and have someone help you. Be sure and keep the water out of the cats ears, eyes and mouth, especially the soap.

Good Luck

PS I don't even ask how things happen anymore. After taking care of animals for over 40 years I know anything can happen.

annual credit report

Can calamansi juice become shoe polish?

i don't think so!!! thats to acidic, it can destroy shoes


How do you get shoe polish stains out of the carpet?


This type of stain is one of the hardest to get out the carpet.

I would recommend using a wet vac and slowly pour hot almost boiling water (from a kettle) on the spot and vacuum it up at the same time, (this will open up the dye ports on the carpet fibre releasing the stain. and remove the residue from the carpet).

If the stain is still visible than try putting Dawn dishwashing liquid (4 or 5 drops into one cup of water) or carpet spotter. Dampen the spot letting it soak on the stain for about 5 minutes and repeat step one. After this you should rinse the area again with the wet vac and hot water. If this doesn’t work try using orange glo or even 409. The most important thing to do is rinse the stain with a wet vac and hot water from a kettle to remove all the reside, or the spot may come back.

Only as a last resort if you have rubbing alcohol Blot the chemical onto the spot and then remove with a towel and repeat, keep on doing this until stain is gone or you stop getting colour transfer. Then rinse the stain with a wet vac and hot water to remove all the reside,

Please be careful with what product you uses (neutral PH carpet cleaning solution is best). Please DO NOT put anything on the carpet that was not made for carpet.

Carpet cleaner for 14 years

How do you get shoe polish stains out of the carpet?
Hand cleaner does wonders on many fabrics, but test a small area before using in an open view Report It

Reply:You might try goof off- it great with paint etc,so it might work- try Lowes or Home Depot or Walmart- or a similar product- its a bit smelly but I have never had a problem with it- test a small area first in the closet or something to make sure!
Reply:simply dye the carpet the same colour as the shoe polish

Reply:Same as before . Mean Green,, can purchase it at a Family Dollar Store, or Dollar Store,,, or j ust straight ammonia..

reliable web hosting

Can I use black shoe polish to bring back my (water stained) black leather jacket ?

I was given a beautiful imported Italian black leather jacket and was caught in the rain on more than one occasion. As a result there are a grey/green sort of stains in those places. I want my beautiful jacket back, please.

Can I use black shoe polish to bring back my (water stained) black leather jacket ?
in most shoe departments, next to the polish are bottles of shoe stains,, you can stain the jacket and you CAN use polish on it as long as you rub and polish it good so it is protected and cleaned,, very little polish will remain..
Reply:Not a good idea, since it will rub off (especially on your car seat) pretty soon! There are products, albeit more pricey, that are designed just for this purpose. Stop by your local leather goods store and just search on the web to find them.

Yellow Teeth

Can I apply black shoe polish to a black leather sofa?

nope unless you want none to sit on it, unless tey wearing black, u mad head lol

Can I apply black shoe polish to a black leather sofa?
you certainly can. i dont think its a good idea though. is everyone that sits on it going to be wearing black? if not, they will be when they get


How can I get shoe polish stain out of my carpet?


I would recommend using a wet vac and slowly pour hot water (almost to the boiling point) on the spot and vacuum it up at the same time (this will open up the dye ports on the carpet fibre releasing the stain. and remove the residue from the carpet). If the stain is still visible than use a little carpet spotter on it or Dawn dishwashing liquid (2 or 3 drops into one cup of water) and repeat step 1. The stain may come back in a few days so you may have to do this a few times. Please DO NOT put anything on the carpet that was not made for carpet. At this point if the stain is still there please call a carpet cleaner..

Carpet cleaner of 14 years

How can I get shoe polish stain out of my carpet?
dont think u can
Reply:what we do in camp is to use toothpaste or insect repellant.

Hope it might help.


How do you remove shoe polish off of car paint?

Someone wrote on my back window, and right afterwards i did my back windshield wiper with the water so some of it dripped down on my paint. and suggestions?

How do you remove shoe polish off of car paint?
Very carefully.
Reply:petrol/gas ,white spirit
Reply:Try lauer thinner. It won't hurt the paint and should remove shoe polish since its good for scuff marks after fender benders.
Reply:try hot water with soap
Reply:Go to an auto detailer and they will do it safely for a few bucks
Reply:and what did they write ???? hummmmmmm. but any way boot polish on a back window??? what did that do kick it?

Loose Teeth

How can I remove shoe polish from my couch and carpet?

You are going to need a spirit based cleaner.

Petrol would be good, or white spirit.

Wet a cloth with either, and just keep rubbing it until it's gone.

How can I remove shoe polish from my couch and carpet?
if it's not too old you might be able to just wash it out..with a carpet cleaner. ( I get it out of my carpets..I own my own carpet cleaner,


skin lesions

Hhow can I produce shoe polish from bee wax.?

Iam a beekeeper with large stock of bee wax in rural Northern Nigeria.

Hhow can I produce shoe polish from bee wax.?
Beeswax is a natural shoe polish. All you need to do is warm the shoe/boot and rub it with a stick of wax. Warming the waxed footwear again will even out the layer of waterproofing beeswax and give it shine. Adding a lipid-soluble colouring will give your beeswax the colour of the footwear you are polishing. To make the beeswax softer and more pliable, it can be mixed with mineral oil or other suitable oils. Buffing with a soft cloth will also produce shine.
Reply:Dry the wax in the sun.

improve skin tone

Marching band can you clean them w/o shoe polish?


Marching band can you clean them w/o shoe polish?
Try using few drops of dawn dishwashing soap in a cup filled with water. Take an old toothbrush and dip it in the soapy water and scrub the shoe. Take a paper towel and wipe of the extra water and soap. After that your shoes should be clean. (I do this on my shoes for cheerleading and just my regular gym shoes and it works everytime) Hope this helps!

neutral skin tone

My dog ate shoe polish!?

what do i do???

My dog ate shoe polish!?
Emergency vet hospital NOW. Don't waste time. Get into the emergency vet this minute.
Reply:Go to your vet NOW.

If you are unsure call your vet and ask about it, but you will be wasting precious time!

skin tone

What is inside shoe polish that is also in a banana peel?

I might be able to use this as our investigatory project if someone can give me the answers. THANKS :)

What is inside shoe polish that is also in a banana peel?
I know that banana leaves contain wax. The banana peel may have contain some wax. And the main ingredients for a shoe polish is wax. but the two wax may not be of the same wax type. I have tried it once using the banana peel to give a shine on my old shoes and it worked well.

So if you can devise a way to check for the trace of wax on a banana peel, you might be able to use it for your project. I hope my answer helps. Cheers.
Reply:carnubia wax

skin tone

How do black shoe polish kill the ringworm?

Has anyone else used this to kill a ringworm?

How do black shoe polish kill the ringworm?
Ringworm is fungus, keep it clean. There's cream for it at the drugstore.
Reply:It doesn't... probably time and your immune system did.
Reply:I've never heard of curing ringworm with shoe polish. I do know, however, that to cure ringworm, you should use Lotrimin AF which can be found at any pharmacy and does not require a prescription. It will normally take about 7-10 days for the ringworm to disappear, but can possibly take 3-4 weeks. My son was diagnosed with ringworm on the back of his neck and the doctor told us to use Lotrimin AF. The directions say to use 1-2 times per day but we used it about 4 times per day. Make sure to apply the Lotrimin over the entire site, and extend it an extra half inch outside the ringworm site. Also, continue to use the medication for one full week after the ringworm has disappeared so it won't come back. At night I used to slather a bunch of medication on a band aid and would leave the band aid on the ringworm all night while my son slept. You can also leave a band aid full of medication on during the day as well. Change the band aid and refill it with medication every 3-4 hours. We saw the ringworm begin to fade on the 4th day and it continued until it was gone in 10 days. I continued to apply the medication for one week. And again, remember to apply the cream at least an inch outside the ringworm. ALSO, important: if your ringworm continues to spread, gets worse, or starts to show up in other areas, go to a dermatologist and they will give you antibiotics to clear it up. They also have creams which are very potent that can help. But, normally, the Lotrimin AF will work for the majority of cases. Good luck! Be religious about applying that stuff and don't skip doses or days!!!! One more thing, keep the area clean and dry. Wash the area at least once or twice per day with soap and water. That helps to dry it out.
